Last updated on October 13th, 2022 at 05:07 am
Estimated Read Time: 7 minsTechnology is an essential part of our day to day busy life and our fast development. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the next big thing. To understand this technology, we will have to learn the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence. Lets start with the little introduction.
Artificial Intelligence has become a topic of debate for technocrats, some consider it as a blessing and some as a threat. But we are still unsure about the future of Artificial Intelligence. Is it a disaster or a blessing?
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ToggleMajor pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence

Just imagine a day without your smartphone. Will you live without it? (Probably not).
We, humans, are always in the hunt for information. Our hunger for information is so high that we can’t live without information. Whether it’s destroying us or making us. We need to know what happens next. We are that curious about our future. AI falls within the same case, we desperately need to know, whether it’s beneficial or harmful.
Apple’s virtual assistant “Siri” and Google voice search feature. These are two major applications right now. Both these applications make use of AI and are making our lives easier. Whether it’s making a phone call or setting reminders, AI is paving the way for more efficient lives.
Some say that in the future we might all depend on artificial intelligence.
We can say that giving power to Artificial Intelligence ease-out certain problems, but it can also create some destruction at the same time.
Let’s dive into it and look at some of the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence.
Major Advantages of Artificial Intelligence (Pros)
Let’s look at some Advantages of using Artificial Intelligence. Will AI be beneficial for us?
1. Artificial Intelligence makes less errors
AI is very important within certain fields where speed, accuracy, and precision is very important. When there are no margins for errors.
As decisions taken by a machine are based on previous records of data and set of complex algorithms, the chances of errors reduce. This is a great achievement, as solving complex problems that require very difficult calculations with little to zero error.
A good example of this is used by DeepMind to diagnose sight-threatening eye conditions as accurately as the world’s best clinicians.
Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL’s Institute of Ophthalmology are working on this type of AI system. Their research could pave the way for AI systems in hospitals across the country.
The AI system reduces the time doctors spend on studying multiple eye scans and can diagnose eye patients within seconds.
2. Artificial Intelligence makes right decision
Machines are emotionless. This absence of emotions from the machines makes it more efficient as they can make the right decisions without feeling affection from anyone.
The best uses of artificial intelligence are in the medical field, where it improved the efficiency of treatment by minimizing the risks of wrong analysis and diagnosis.
3. Artificial Intelligence can work in risky situations
There are certain situations where human safety is vulnerable. We can use machine learning in these situations.
AI always comes in handy when we think of extraterrestrial travel.
Nasa sent many AI-based rovers on the surface of Mars to study Mars, as it was impossible for an actual human to live on Mars. It is the big achievement of Artificial Intelligence.
Scientists are also making use of complex machines to study the ocean floor where human survival becomes difficult.
This is one of the biggest limitations that Artificial Intelligence helps to overcome.
4. Artificial Intelligence can work continuously
Machines can’t get tired, even if they have to work for consecutive hours. This is a major benefit for us, as we need rest to be efficient. However, machines don’t get affected by any external factor, they can work continuously for hours.
Japan has already started to use AI-driven robots, as they are more productive and efficient.
5. Eliminating human errors
Let’s admit, even the best of us make errors. But a perfectly designed AI machine to perform a specific task makes no error.
Big grocery stores are now using AI robots to keep track of their goods. A big grocery store Ocadu is using automated machines, which are responsible to move hundreds of thousands of items.
It was Stephen Hawking who said every aspect of our lives will be transformed by AI. We’ll not dig that deep, but here’s how it’s affecting the grocery industry and the potential it brings.
6. AI is a smart technology
In the future, AI will be used to automate everything. It is such potable that it can be used in each and every industry ever created.
Have you heard of the Samsung neon project? Samsung has made AI-based virtual assistants, unlike any other. The main difference among them is the face. Great thing is that it can talk to you like an actual human and can help you in your day to day tasks. I think this is a huge step in the development of Artificial Intelligence.
From our regular devices to space exploration, AI will pave our way to a much better future.
7. AI can perform Repetitive jobs
AI has the ability to perform repetitive with much more precision and accuracy. The repetitive jobs are monotonous in nature and can be carried out with the help of machine learning.
As machines think faster than humans and can perform various functions at the same time. It can be used to carry out very difficult tasks and its parameters can be adjusted.
This is impossible for humans as their speed and time can’t be calculated on the basis of parameters.
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Major disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (Cons)
Now, let’s look at the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence. Will AI be a disaster for us?
1. Artificial Intelligence is expensive to implement.
When it comes to pricing Artificial Intelligence isn’t cheap when combining the cost of installation maintenance and repair, AI is rather expensive to implement. Only huge companies can afford it.
Researchers are now working on machine learning in which robots will learn from the real environment and then take decisions according to the defined set of rules, this research might be useful to lower the expense on Artificial Intelligence and it might one day make it cheap and available to small businesses and industries.
2. Artificial Intelligence makes us dependent on machines
Our dependence on machines is increasing day by day. We’re headed into a way where it will become difficult for humans to work without the assistance of a machine. We have seen it in the past and there is no doubt we’ll continue seeing it in the future, as a result, our mental and thinking abilities will eventually decrease over time.
According to, a very big percentage of their respondents believe that humans are becoming too dependent on technology. Based on this poll question: “have people become overly dependent on technology?” 84% said Yes and 16% said No.
“Yes, I have to agree that many people are becoming too dependent on technology. From simple things, like adding numbers in their mind vs. on a calculator, to more complicated tasks like planting a garden, humans rely on gadgets. In America, hardly anyone walks or rides a bike, people want to drive everywhere, even for a short distance. I don’t know how many people would survive if technology suddenly disappeared.”
3. Artificial Intelligence may replace humans
This is the primary concern for technocrats. AI might replace many jobs. As we know, machines can work 24/7 without a break and with more efficiency. Big industries will prefer investing in machines as compared to humans. As we are moving towards the automated world, where almost every task will be done by the machines, there is a possibility of large-scale unemployment.
In 2017, AI analyst Gartner predicted by 2020, AI Will Create 2.3 Million Jobs in 2020, While Eliminating 1.8 Million. If we take those numbers at face value, it comes across as a net positive rather than negative.
In his article, he wrote
“Many significant innovations in the past have been associated with a transition period of temporary job loss, followed by recovery, then business transformation and AI will likely follow this route,” said Svetlana Sicular, a Gartner research vice president.
“Unfortunately, most calamitous warnings of job losses confuse AI with automation – that overshadows the greatest AI benefit – AI augmentation – a combination of human and artificial intelligence, where both complement each other.”
A recent study conducted at PwC also concluded that AI will create more jobs then it replaces, However, they also detailed that automation will have an uneven effect on different industries.
Healthcare and education industries are predicted to benefit, while manufacturing and transport industries are estimated to see the largest decrease in jobs.
While according to
“AI, which gives computers the ability to learn, could one day make humans redundant, if we allow it to become smarter than we are. Theoretically, AI could keep reprogramming and upgrading itself without human interference until it becomes more intelligent than us. At that point, experts warn, it could view humanity as a hindrance – and will use its intelligence to replace us at the top.”
A real-time example of this is Automated cars. If the concept of driverless cars kicks in, then millions of drivers will be left unemployed in the future.
4. Artificial Intelligence is Restricted for particular Work
Artificial Intelligence based machines are only programmed to do certain tasks. Relying on the machines to adapt to new environments, be creative and think out of the box is very difficult. This might not be possible because their thinking zone is so restricted to only the AI special algorithms.
5. Robot bosses
If you have issues with your current boss, be thankful that he is not a cold, emotionless AI-based machine because its already being used by different companies.
IBM is using “IBM Watson” to monitor the productivity of their employers, like are the eligible for pay raise by looking at their past projects and skills. Through Watson, IBM is monitoring whether an employee is good for the company’s future.
6. Human error
Artificial Intelligence is all algorithm-based and we humans are prone to make errors. Although Artificial Intelligence can virtually remove human errors from processes, it can still exist in the code, along with all bias and prejudice. This means the technology can be coded to harm things.
A real-life example of this is Microsoft’s ill-fated chatbot, Tay tweets, had to be taken down after working for 16 hours, after it started to tweet racist and inflammatory content ideas it repeated from other Twitter users.
All being said, the pros and cons of artificial intelligence being evaluated, it is up to the reader, user, and their perspective. AI and robotics will improve the way we think, the way we explore new horizons, whether space or the ocean. As the age-old saying goes, necessity is the mother of all innovations, so is the case with AI. Human beings know what they need and are getting increasingly better in defining their wants and quickly transforming this into reality. Soon, things will happen so rapidly that we will see major changes and innovation. Hold your breath Mega disruptions have begun!

With a degree in IT from Bahria University Islamabad, Hamas Sohail possesses a solid educational foundation that enhances his technical expertise. His time at the university has equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the ever-evolving field of technology. Combining his academic achievements with his gaming enthusiasm, web and mobile app development prowess, and writing abilities, Hamas continues to make a significant impact in the world of games and technology through his insightful articles and innovative creations.