How to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2? with the hammer icon in the middle of the image.

How to Make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2? [Solved 100%] ✓

Last updated on January 10th, 2023 at 04:27 pm

Estimated Read Time: 3 mins

Today we have an item, which is identified as a tool with a heavy metal hand head mounted at right angles at the end of a handle, used for jobs such as breaking things and driving in nails.

Yes, you guess it right.

We are talking about Hammer and How to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2?

How to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2? with the hammer icon in the middle of the image.
How to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2?

In Little Alchemy 2, Hammer is a useful item as it helps us to make other crucial items in the hierarchy of items in Little Alchemy 2.

All combinations to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2:

  • Metal + Tool = Hammer: A tool with a metal head is called a hammer.
  • Rock + Tool = Hammer: A tool with a rock head is called a hammer.
  • Steel + Tool = Hammer: A tool with a steelhead is called a hammer.
  • Stone + Tool = Hammer: A tool with a stone head is called a hammer.
  • Woodpecker + Tool = Hammer: A woodpecker use his head like a hammer tool.

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Itemset required to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2 (Stone + Tool)

How to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2? (Walkthrough)

We can make a Hammer by combining 2 items. You can use any combination you like from the combinations mentioned above.

There are a total of 5 combinations to make a hammer in little alchemy 2, however; in this post, we will make a hammer by combining Stone and Tool.

Make Stone

We will make a Stone by combining Air with Lava.

Stone in Little Alchemy 2, with the stone icon in the middle of the image.
Stone in Little Alchemy 2
  • Earth + Fire = Lava: Lava is a fire that spits out from the earth.
  • Air + Lava = Stone: Air-cooled lava makes stone.

Make Tool

After making the Stone, we will make a Tool by combining a Human and a Stone.

Tool in Little Alchemy 2. with the tool icon in the middle of the image.
Tool in Little Alchemy 2
  • Water + Water = Puddle: 2x water results in a puddle.
  • Puddle Water = Pond: A puddle mixed with more water makes a pond.
  • Pond + Water = Lake: A pond mixed with more water makes Lake.
  • Lake + Water = Sea: More water in the lake makes the sea.
  • Earth + Sea = Primordial Soup: Solution rich in an organic compound found in the sea.
  • Fire + Fire = Energy: It is known that heat is in a form of energy.
  • Energy + Primordial Soup = Life: Energy provided to primordial soup makes life.
  • Earth + Water = Mud: Earth mixed with water makes Mud.
  • Mud + Stone = Clay: Mud mixed with stone makes clay.
  • Clay + Life = Human: A human is a life form that is made from clay.
  • Human + Stone = Tool: Humans use stone as a tool.

Finally, Make the Hammer

Now we have the Stone and Tool, infuse them to make a Hammer.

Full recipe to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2
Full recipe to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2
  • Stone + Tool = Hammer: A tool with a stone head is called a hammer.

What can you make with Hammer in Little Alchemy 2?

After making a Hammer, you can make 6 additional items. The combination and the item are mentioned in the table below.

OreHammer + Boulder
Hammer + Earth
Hammer + Hill
Hammer + Mountain
Hammer + Rock
Hammer + Stone
StatueHammer + Boulder
Hammer + Stone
ToolboxHammer + Box
Hammer + Container
Coconut MilkHammer + Coconut
BellHammer + Metal
Hammer + Steel
MjolnirHammer + Thor
All items you can make with Hammer

Facts about Hammer in Little Alchemy 2

  1. You can make a Hammer in 14 steps.
  2. We can make 6 additional items with the Hammer.
  3. You can make a Hammer through 5 different combinations.
  4. The difficulty level to make a Hammer in Little Alchemy 2 is Moderate.

Hurray, now you know all about How to make Hammer in Little Alchemy 2. If you like this guide, consider sharing it with your friends.

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