7 Best Essay Writing Apps for Students

Last updated on November 23rd, 2023 at 08:41 pm

Estimated Read Time: 4 mins

In the quest for academic excellence, the pen is mightier than the sword—mainly when it is digital. Today’s students are afforded many applications designed to enhance their academic writing. From tools that tidy up the syntax to platforms that organize research, the digital age has heralded a revolution in how students craft essays. To rise above the rest, an essay writing app must offer comprehensive solutions across all facets of writing, including research, organization, drafting, and revising. What follows is an exploration of the seven best essay-writing apps that are powerful allies in a student’s journey to essay mastery.

Grammarly: The Comprehensive Writing Assistant

As the flagship of automated grammar correction, Grammarly stands at the forefront of writing enhancement. Far beyond basic proofreading, Grammarly offers nuanced suggestions that address everything from the most straightforward typo to the most complex syntactic errors. It operates with a high degree of specificity, allowing it to tailor its advice to the user’s writing style, which could range from academic to casual prose.

Extended Features:

  • Personalized Language Learning: Grammarly learns from your writing quirks and improves its suggestions over time, offering a customized experience that grows with you.
  • Tone Adjustments: Understanding that how you say something is as important as what you say, Grammarly’s tone detector helps to ensure your writing conveys the intended message.
  • Integration Ease: Seamlessly integrate with browsers, text editors, and email clients, ensuring error-free writing across all platforms.

Evernote: The Digital Research Library

Research is the foundation upon which solid arguments are built. Evernote is the digital equivalent of a well-organized binder, collecting and categorizing information with a sophistication that traditional methods struggle to match. It allows the user to save snippets of information from virtually any digital source, taking note-taking to new heights.

But Evernote doesn’t write the essay for you. If you’re seeking that kind of expert help, you might want to look into partnering with https://essaymasters.ae, which is renowned for its precise and expertly crafted essays.

Expanded Capabilities:

  • Multimedia Note-Taking: Whether it’s text, sketches, photos, or audio, Evernote accommodates a variety of note types to suit different learning styles.
  • Collaboration Tools: Work with peers on shared notebooks, making group projects or study sessions more productive.
  • Template Variety: A range of templates is available to structure your notes, from project timelines to essay outlines.

Microsoft Word: The Evolved Writing Standard

Microsoft Word has long been the standard bearer for word processing software. Yet, it has not rested on its laurels. The latest incarnation offers features such as ‘Researcher,’ which helps to find and cite credible sources without leaving the app, and ‘Editor,’ which gives advanced stylistic recommendations.

Enhanced Functionality:

  • Innovative Editing Tools: The Editor pane goes beyond correcting writing errors—it teaches better writing by explaining why suggestions are made.
  • Researcher Feature: This built-in tool provides quick access to scholarly sources, complete with proper citation capabilities.
  • Accessibility Features: Word offers a Read Aloud feature and Learning Tools that improve reading skills, which is crucial for reviewing your essay drafts.

Scrivener: For Structured Drafting and Revising

Designed for more substantial writing projects, Scrivener shines in the organization of ideas and arguments. It’s particularly beneficial for students working on lengthy papers or managing multiple writing assignments.

Comprehensive Management:

  • Extensive Organizing Options: With a virtual “corkboard” and “outliner” view, structuring your essay is as intuitive as pinning notes to a board.
  • Focus Mode: A distraction-free writing mode helps maintain concentration on the task.
  • Revision Tracking: Multiple drafts and revisions are easily managed with a snapshot feature that saves earlier versions for reference.

Hemingway Editor: Crafting Bold and Clear Prose

The Hemingway Editor, named after the famed author known for his concise style, helps students write more boldly and clearly. It’s an app that encourages brevity and power in prose, highlighting weak adverbs, passive voice, and convoluted sentences.

Precision Writing:

  • Immediate Feedback: The color-coded system provides instant visual feedback on sentences that may need simplifying or splitting.
  • Performance Metrics: It scores the “readability” of your text, aiming to make it accessible and engaging for readers.
  • Formatting Tools: Essential formatting tools help prepare your essay for publication or submission.

Google Docs: The Ultimate Collaboration Platform

Google Docs revolutionizes the way students collaborate on writing assignments. Its real-time editing and commenting capabilities make it a favored platform for peer reviews and collaborative projects.

Collaborative Edge:

  • Live Edits and Comments: Suggest changes or leave comments for peers to review instantly, fostering a collaborative editing process.
  • Research within the Document: The ‘Explore’ feature allows you to conduct research and find quotes without leaving your document.
  • History Revision: The Version History feature keeps track of all changes, making it easy to revert to previous versions if needed.

ProWritingAid: The Mentor for Aspiring Writers

Acting as a comprehensive writing mentor, ProWritingAid goes beyond basic proofreading. It delves deep into your writing style, offering insights that can transform a good essay into a great one.

In-Depth Analysis:

  • Extensive Reports: Over 20 different writing reports highlight various issues, such as overused words, sentence length variation, and more.
  • Learning Resources: ProWritingAid includes articles, videos, and quizzes to help improve your writing as you edit.
  • Integration Variety: Whether you’re writing in Word, Google Docs, or another platform, ProWritingAid can be there with you.

In harnessing the capabilities of these seven apps, students stand to improve their essay writing prowess significantly. They not only streamline the writing process but enrich it, providing structural support, stylistic refinement, and collaborative opportunities. Embracing these tools can lead to the production of essays that are not only polished and coherent but are also engaging and insightful.

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